The collection occurs in the year 2030, where many individuals have ended up being cyborgs with prosthetic bodies. Mostly embeded in the fic...
Mikiya Kokutō ends up being intrigued by the mysterious series of terrible fatalities happening in his community and Shiki Ryōgi, a gorgeous...
Parasyte centers on a 17-year-old man named Shinichi Izumi, who copes with his mom and also dad in a silent area in Tokyo. One night, worm-l...
The basketball group of Teikō Intermediate school increased to difference by destroying all competition. The regulars of the team came to be...
Shokugeki no Soma (食戟のソーマ Shokugeki no Sōma?, lit. "Sōma of the Shokugeki") is a Japanese shōnen manga series created by Yūto Tsuk...
The original Hotarubi no Mori e shōjo manga [1] and succeeding movie inform the tale of a six-year-old woman named Hotaru Takegawa, that obt...
Gurren Lagann takes place in a future where Planet is ruled by the Spiral King, Lordgenome, who forces humanity to stay in separated subterr...