Ginei Studios, a prestigious yet broke motion-picture studio is being taken down as well as TELEVISION interviewer Genya Tachibana locates its best recognized celebrity, Chiyoko Fujiwara, for a profession retrospective interview. Thirty years prior, she retired from acting and has actually been a recluse since. When they fulfill, Tachibana delivers her an essential he believes she shed at the workshop, which causes Chiyoko to reflect on her job. As she's informing her life story, Tachibana as well as Kyoji Ida, his cameraman, are reeled in.
The key was offered to her as a young adult by a painter and also revolutionary that she aided leave from the police. After his separation, she chooses to become a film starlet in hopes that he will certainly see among her movies. This goes on for 10 years and also Chiyoko becomes very well-known. In spite of not learning through the mysterious painter, she doesn't shed hope. At some point, one of the cops that wanted the advanced painter, comes to her and excuses his war criminal activities. Genya, that at the time was functioning as an assistant at the center, hears from him that the painter was hurt as well as killed after his apprehension. Yet in spite of unknowning this, Chiyoko deserts her search since she had gotten old and wanted him to keep in mind her as the stunning lady she when was. Throughout the interview, an earthquake strikes which distress Chiyoko's fragile health. On her healthcare facility deathbed, she informs Genya that in spite of never seeing the guy again, she recognized that exactly what she liked wasn't the male however the search for him.
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